Sunday, 8 November 2009


Originally Posted 19/7/2004

The donor search may have come to fruition, if everything goes according to plan I’ve got the cuurently required stuff from one source, just a matter of getting transport and convienient times arranged between me and the seller, a fellow locost builder.

Down to the chase…Bought myself a pipe benderBent some tubes up for the top and bottom of the luggage compartment, and managed to get a very similar shape on both of them.

Gettin brave now altering the basic design.
Altered the ends of the 1″ RHS tube RU1 and Ru2 in a rather natty (methinks) way by cutting a long 2″ by 1/4″ wedge out of each side of the tubes at the bottom, welding up to give a 1″ tube that narrows down to 3/4″ at the end, which after profiling will fit to the the round section tube at the bottom of the luggage area.

Once I’ve picked up the donor parts I can start building the tunnel!
So. I’ll be shuffling about the garage space suruptitiously kicking sand into the gravel